Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I did not make the document concerning our virtual PenPal assignment and am unsure how to make this link accessible to Dr.Horvitz. Therefore I am composing this post to share the information through the blog, hoping we get points for completing the project for we had it done on time.

  • Who are the students your students will communicate with (specific location, grade level)? Students will be communicating with other students located in a different region. For Instance, we can have students from Kalamazoo write to students in other regions to compare/contrast these regions based on their geography, culture, economics, and history. An example of what we can do is have our students from Kalamazoo create pen pals with students from a large city such as New York or Los Angeles. This way the students can write back and forth comparing and contrasting their regions in which they live.

  • When would your students contact these other students (at what point in their project work)? Students would contact these others students throughout their entire project. It would be necessary for these students to do research on each other’s regions and develop a discussion about the comparisons/contrasts of each region.

  • What kinds of questions would they ask each other and what kinds of information would they share? Students would ask each other questions based on their regions’ culture, geography, economics, and history. They will share information about their own region to help the other students better their understanding of where they live compared to where a different student lives.  What will they do with the information they get from the other students? Students will collect the information that they receive and create Venn diagrams along with other tools to present their project.

Does this seem like a good start Katelyn and Marissa? What else should we mention on here before we turn this in on Sunday?

Looks great, not sure what the map is supposed to be?
couldnt find google maps on my drive? otherwise i would start this for us :/

Hey guys I think the information looks complete for partA. I also tried beginning partB for us but I am confused by the instructions. We create a map of what exactly? Is this an idea we have to come up with as a group? Do we create a map of local Kalamazoo? I was thinking maybe we create a map of kalamazoo that will help our “students” explain to their “ePals” to help them visualize, connect, and relate to one another... any ideas?

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